Thursday, November 8, 2007

Taunt the Tourist

I was at my favorite flea market in Dorrego and saw this charming little beat-up planter. It's a set of Spanish tiles stuck onto a cement box. The tiles are real and were really nice once, but as objects go, it's a bit crummy. I wanted it anyway. So I asked the price and nobody knew whose it was (or wanted to admit that it was theirs). Finally a kid went off to ask someone. I'd set 100 pesos as my absolute limit, not wanting to spend that much, but I know that individually Spanish handpainted tiles go for quite a lot. Well, when they're not stuck on a cement block, anyway.

So the kid comes back and says "200 pesos." My heart sinks, and I sort of look glum/thoughtful, trying to justify the ridiculous price. After a few moments he gleefully says "¡Mentira! ¿No te parecía mucho?" ("I'm lying! Didn't that seem like a lot to you?) The real price was 30 pesos. So I bought it and schlepped it home on the subway (for a tiny pot, it's heavvvvvvvvy).

I decided to leave the mint plant and weed it came with for now (I repotted them with new dirt), so it looks a bit spare. I expect that when I come back at the end of March, it will be a lush green wonder. And the tiles will have repaired themselves, too.

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