Thursday, November 1, 2007

I Need Some Bread, Man

In the mornings here you see a lot of these bread delivery guys, wobbling by on bikes made cumbersome by huge wicker baskets wedged full with loaves and rolls. Alas, I've discovered that the bread they carry ranges from tasteless and soft to soft and tasteless. You can buy something called a baguette here, but it's usually just the same bland, soft bread in a baguette-like shape.

Argentine cheese isn't, on average, a lot better. My friend Dan, a local chef (and ex-pat from NY) who runs a restaurant in his home called Casa Saltshaker, tells me that's because all but the best cheeses here add up to 25% cornstarch to bulk up the output. That's one of those facts I wish I didn't know, because now I swear I can taste the starch when I buy grocery store cheese.

Which means I try to do more shopping at local markets and stalls, where you can find better goods. I only wish I lived closer to the spectacular Mercado del Progreso in Caballito.

(Never mind the food, that Art Deco lettering makes my mouth water.)

Inside are a couple dozen stalls with very tempting looking meats, veggies, fruits, cheeses, and the like (though I didn't see any particularly promising bread.)

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