Friday, April 4, 2008

Five Months Later

I promise I'll stop posting plant pictures after today. But as I've been settling back into my apartment, I've been very pleased at how well they pulled through. Before pics on the left; after on the right.

I met my last tenant, a nice bloke from England named Richard. He had a great time staying here (was taking Spanish classes, much like I did during my first stay in Buenos Aires). He was pleased that he hadn't killed any plants. Apparently the two bushes had been crisped before he arrived, which means, sadly, that he spent 5 weeks looking out the kitchen window at these:

Ah well. At least they all didn't look like that. As you can see in the next one, my "palm" has grown a bit (it's a dracaena, I thought it was a palm, but Bobby corrected me), but the floppy, viney plant has had a great spurt, doubling back on itself. I think I'll string a cord somewhere to encourage it to grow upwards. And that stumpy weed in the tile planter has become a lanky weed with semi-attractive leaves.

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