Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bs As Birds

Birds. It seems they have them here. I honestly didn't notice them very much until Bobby was here. As a big bird fan, he was pointing them out all over the place. Here's a photo of a parrot we saw down in Puerto Madero (that's about the nicest thing I can say about that touristy redevelopment of an old port area. In fact, they managed to destroy the one thing I liked. As part of the project, they decided to leave in place these enormous cranes that used to load and unload things from ships. Well, they're still there, but now they're painted shiny bright yellow, orange and black, which makes them look like giant toys, ruining any sense of age and industry.)

Back to the birds. There's one near my home here (or are there several?) that has a very nice, melodious song, an elaborate set of trills and fillips. Unfortunately, this asinine bird wakes up before dawn to sing it. This morning I was up at 5:21 AM and so was the bird. It's pitch black outside and bird is greeting the day. Very pretty, I think. Now shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

1 comment:

Maria Jose said...

Refunfuñar: También conocido como: regañar - renegar - rezongar - rumiar.
Muy buenos adjetivos para calificar las actividades de un "bloggero".
Ten la seguridad, amigo Bruno, que esta gruñona cibernauta-neoyorquina rumiará tu blog de vez en cuando.