Sunday, November 10, 2013

El Nido Vacio

Day Twelve, around 5:00 PM—They fledged! I've been watching the Palitos perch on the edge of the windowbox throughout the day. Then I looked out and they seemed to be gone. Sure enough, I opened the window and the nest is empty!

Their first flight took them about eight feet across the well between buildings to the roof where I've been tossing sunflower seeds. They're hanging out there now, still together, wondering what to do next.

A little bit later: Here we have what may or may not be the whole family on the roof. I'm pretty sure that the bigger torcaza at the upper left is a male and the other adult is a female, so they could be the two Pals. (Or they could be just two random torcazas, but I prefer to think not.) The Palitos are hanging out by the brick at the upper right.

Later still. They've split up for the first time in their short lives. Here's one of the Palitos getting the hang of his (or her) wings.

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